Monday, March 2, 2009

4 months!

It's hard to believe but today was Emma's 4 month check up. She is weighing in at 13pounds 4 ounces and measuring 25 inches long. Dr. Ray was very impressed that Emma has grown that much. Over the last month and a half Emma has really started developing a little personality and I know it will develop even more the bigger she gets. She is holding her head up so well and trying to sit up on her own as well as stand if you support. She still does not like tummy time but she is scooting her little legs under her and trying to push up on her arms. She is really starting to laugh and talk all the time. She is also really able to focus and follow things. She especially loves to watch Lilly when she is running laps in the house. Emma is reaching out and grabbing for things. She loves to reach for Lilly's fur and she also has a giraffe on her car seat that she loves playing with. She has started carrying her burp cloth as a silky. She has to have that in her hand especially when she is sleeping and getting ready for bed. She pretty much sleeps all through the night and is now sleeping in her crib. A majority of the time she doesn't want to be rocked or bounced to sleep, she would rather you lay her on her belly in her bed with paci and silky and just rub her little head or back. She absolutely loves to watch Mickey Mouse Playhouse and will cry when Mickey says goodbye. She also loves to watch Handy Manny, Wonder Pets, Zac and Cody, and her Nature Baby video. She stayed her first night away from home at her Maw maw and Paw paw's house so mommy and daddy could get some housework done. She loves going to Ms. Holly's house and now has a friend there, a little 6 month old girl. We've unfortunately experienced our first virus and was a rough week and a half. As you can see, it has been a big time for all of us and we look forward to what is next in her growing stage. We are starting to eat cereal tonight and will start experimenting with other things soon. Bryan and I can't believe how fast time is flying. We are looking forward to Grandma and Grandpa's visit in a couple of weeks and look forward to this summer for the family get together. Hope everyone has a wonderful week.

1 comment:

Greg and Lisa said...

She's getting so big! She's doing a great job holding her head up in that Bumbo! I have never heard of half of those tv shows! I guess we'll learn them soon enough though! I can't believe you guys got 8 inches of snow! I hope you all had a snow day!