Monday, October 19, 2009

Taking steps, straws and big girl food

Emma has achieved so much in the last week and a half. She has finally let go and started taking steps by herself. She is averaging about 8-10 steps before falling down. We think she will be going full force by her birthday. We ordered off the kids menu this weekend for the first time. It was so strange. She is loving grilled chicken, black beans and any fruit you put in front of her. She doesn't want any baby food anymore but we do sneak it in some. We have also had success at using a straw. We have literally bought every sippy cup out there trying to get Emma to start transitioning but had no luck. One of my best friends suggested trying a straw because that is what they had to do. One day when I was home with her we tried it and she has loved it since. We still do bottles but during the day unless it is nap time she drinks from a little cup with a lid and straw. I did some research and found out that it is actually better for them to use a straw then go through the sippy cup phase. Emma loves drinking water out of her cup. She doesn't really care for juice. We have a very busy weekend ahead. We are doing 1 year pictures and family pictures Saturday morning and then Sunday she has the birthday party to one of her little friends. Their birthdays are 2 weeks apart. Can't wait to post pics.

1 comment:

Greg and Lisa said...

Oh! I'll have to remember that tip about the straws for Brooklyn!