Friday, January 8, 2010

14 months and snow!

It is truly hard to believe that our little girl turned 14 months yesterday and what better way than with snow! We did not get the 2-6 inches but what we did get was nice to watch fall around our house and to take Emma out in and walk around. She seemed to have fun walking around crunching in it and looking at everything covered in white. She also looked absolutely adorable all bundled up. Emma is growing by leaps and bounds and we don't just mean physically but verbally as well. We haven't attempted the scales lately but we do know she has grown in height because her 12 month pants are way to short. She is constantly running around playing with her toys. She is absolutely loving her princess mobile and her microphone. (She is definitely Bryan's with the music part) She is also at the age where she is testing the limits of things she can do such as standing on her riding toys, messing with the electronics of the house, and even throwing one big temper tantrum. Let's just say when she did that yesterday I had to turn my head because she sassed Bryan and how she did it was too funny. She is my child in that department I'm afraid (darn Lowery temper). She has woke up the last couple of morning asking that lovely question, what's that. She loves looking at all the pictures on the wall and pointing out who is in them. Her love for books has grown even more, we constantly find her sitting in the floor looking at books and trying to read. I really hope she keeps this up. Emma's vocabulary is also increasing and becoming clearer which is crazy to here from my little 14 month old. Emma now constantly chases Lilly and teases her with her toys and she has also decided at night to tackle daddy in the floor and jump on his belly and pull his nose and ears. She also seems to have an obsession of mouths. Her little laugh is constant and fills the house with happiness especially when funniest videos is on and showing puppy dogs. What did we do again before having her? I know as these next couple of months pass by she is going to be even more active and can't wait to see this little person change tremendously.
Trying mommy's boots on.

walking around exploring

bundled and ready to go
she took daddy's keyboard from the office

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