Thursday, August 13, 2009

9 month checkup

Emma went yesterday for her 9 month checkup. She is doing wonderful. Her height was 28 3/4inches (85th percentile) and weighed a whopping 20pds 13oz (80th percentile). Dr. Ray is very pleased at what she achieved and developmentally is right where she needs to be. Emma showed her that she could crawl and stand up and even showed her how to put the tounge depressor in her mouth which was so cute. We are going to start trying some milk based products such as the yogurt melts to see if Emma can tolerate that so we will know what to do at her 1 year appt. We survived the doctor without getting a shot because they were out of it. Yay! We learned that Emma doesn't like bandaids. They had to prick her toe to check her iron level and she through a fit and cried because there was a bandaid on her toe. Unfortunately she has been sick and that is what the picture from above is from. She is so pitiful and we are all so tired because she won't sleep but about 10 minutes after you put her down. However, she is napping right now since we tried Motrin for the first time and that seems to be helping. We hope everyone has a great weekend.

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