Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Day with the Ross family

We spent Christmas Day with Bryan's family this year. They were gracious enough to come up from TX and spend Christmas this year in TN. They stayed in Nashville in a house that they rented which worked out great. The kids had a great time chasing each other and playing, we had a wonderful meal, and just a great visit with each other. We probably won't get to see everyone again until Thanksgiving next year. Thank you guys for coming our way this year.

Prepping for the family picture
Emma didn't want to cooperate
Kim opening her gift as Noah watched
Noah and Nana
David, Katie and baby Elena
Emma looking at Violet from Uncle Rob, Aunt Tiffany and Kim
Noah opening his gifts
Elena was even awake for present time
Nana's book from Popi of her adventures with the grandkids
Rob and Tiffany
Emma was fascinated with Noah's matchbox cars
Helping daddy
Our family

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